Saturday, September 27, 2008

go yomama go!

yo mama has had a long recovery period from the france trip.  apparently yo mama's back has had an almost two month hissy over prolonged transatlantic flight positioning in business class. 

 been to the doctor, been to the massage therapist, been to the chiropractor, been to my personal trainer,  been in pain and discomfort that is messing with my sleep.  now this is getting serious when we're talking about messing with yo mama's sleep.  it took the chiropractor---- and his twisting me into positions i could only dream of in my yoga class---- to inform me that i was making a bad matter worse by lifting weights and going for deep muscle massages.  so i've had to quit my trainer (only temporarily) and pass on the deep tissue massages for a while.  yo mama is feeling so much better.  

meanwhile, yo mama has joined a new yoga studio (with chiropractor approval). now, yo mama has taken yoga classes before, but this is not just an exercise class.   yo mama is journeying deeper into the mind, body, spirit rehlm via her yoga mat.

yo mama is also playing well with others in painting and drawing classes at the "art students league of denver."  just the best little art school outside of florence and nyc.   see the awesomeness of it at    yo mama is currently struggling with perspective and appreciating color and repetition of pattern.  and.....  how cosmic is this:::: my weekly painting class began right after labor day, and yesterday during the fourth class meeting, i walk into class and head toward the one empty chair that awaits me for the art history lecture that is about to begin.  i look over to the person on my right who has not been in the previous classes and recognize her.  she says "hello, you look familiar."  i say "hello shari, i was in a writing class of yours last spring."   eventually our conversation leads to her asking me the question: so, are you still writing.  yo mama is rather lost for words, but concedes that there is no good excuse for saying no.  she tried several and all were so lame that she could do nothing else except get a tension knot in the part of her psyche that needs its ass kicked to get a move on.   

besides the bizzareness of this appearance of the writing teacher in art class... (which reminds me of the presence of the voice teacher in my writing class last spring/ not shari's  literary non- fiction class but andrea's "writing short")... i realize that these things happen to yo mama..... a..... lot!   we will see if shari shows up next week after the brutal perspective  cramming that the art teacher gave her in an effort to catch her up.   the class went outside to draw buildings and shari stayed in to face the horrors of vanishing points, horizons and fighting what your brain tells you you see vs what exists before your eyes.....  it's a losing battle that's worth fighting if you are brave enough.  if she doesn't return next week i will be left to wonder if she fled from the battlescene or if she was an apparition.

yo mama has gotten way too involved in her home remodelling project and one day decided to take hands on action.  but that will be for another post....