Yes, it has come to the attention of yomama that it is national blog month and she is already two days behind. so let's catch up, shall we?
on friday night (oct 31) yomama sported a "spider witch" costume and went out on a date with dracula. we double dated with the gypsy and surfer dude/hippie next door. said sd/hipster carried around his mini acordian all night... just in case there might be an opportunity to make music in our evening's journey. before we went out for the evening he played a free concert on his front porch to emphasize the fact that there was free candy and entertainment. such is the notoriety of s. clark st.
thanks to a timely phone call to good neighor, L, who was at the grocery buying candy at the time of the call, i got free home delivery of a bag- o -kit/kats for the goblins and cute little ones. (tip: buy halloween candy that you DON'T like, therefore you would have to be in complete desperation for a goodie to be tempted to eat any). our house looked appropriately spooky with no inside lights, no curtains, no furniture, a ladder in the window. the construction project that never ends drags on.
it was a sad yomama moment when she remembered that last year at this time she was walking away from her beloved home, family, friends and life in fort worth. it was halloween when she shut the door to an empty house and drove away. now yomama doesn't feel like writing any more and needs to go do something else. no, i don't mean that i am going to tear the place up until i find a left over kit/kat. there is coffee to drink, laundry to be done, music to be studied and art projects that need creativity poured upon them.
i'm sending out the yomama yummy goodness/happiness vibes to the loves of my life... you know who you are.