Tuesday, December 9, 2008


a cover-all blanket of white fluffy snow settled on the denver cityscape overnight. it quiets everything as it falls and binds together on any surface, be it land or branch, rooftop or roadway. it slows down and whitewashes outside and contrasts the warmth and activity of inside. by day it glares back at the sun and gives up its grip on solar absorbing surfaces and clings to more accommodating sites. great chunks of icy wet melting snow separate from the roof peaks. inside, i hear it sliding its weight down the slope, over the roof tiles, scraping its frosty underbelly as it bumps over the gutters and falls with dead weight onto the patio or into the gardens. each time it elicits a "what the hell?----- oh, yeah" response when i hear it. it is winter in colorado, there is snow. this is the christmas season. there are angels in our midst, and scrooges.

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