Thursday, January 29, 2009

french kiss

un grand basir a la langue francaise. french class was a blast today.

france is currently on strike (every service/industry) and monica reports that it is like a big tailgate party/parade in the streets.
appreciation goes out to her professor, who did not have to teach today--- but did anyway because it seems he thinks the whole thing is not necessarily constructive. it sounds to me like it's an excuse for time off and partying. i don't know the particulars of the unionized system in france, but for as often as this happens.... what is being reinforced?

il fait froid aujourd'hui, mais il est ensoleille. it is COLD here today, but it is sunny.

the air is clear and the mountains are showing off the latest snowfall. there is texture, definition and contrast r/t the distance from my eyes and the elevation. it is a task to keep focused on the road when this amazing scene is staring at me peripherally.

i had lunch with monica (dinner for her) via skype. i ate leftovers while she ate-- guess--- cheese! she was about to leave for a crepes party.

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