Monday, January 26, 2009

grace in small things ala yomama

just a very little bit of toasted sesame oil, mingled with the freshest lemon juice and the tiniest pinch of himalayan salt.... heaven when sprinkled over sesame seed tossed field greens.

going out to shovel snow and finding it is the light fluffy kind.

finding it very hard not to throw my arms around my chiropractor to hug him for relieving my longstanding knee pain. sufficing by telling him "you da man, consider yourself hugged!" and having him say goodbye with a very big "i'm appreciated" smile.

raspberry sorbet ice breakers gum

shifting into four-wheel drive when you find yourself in a blinding snow shower

finding the "beyond" area at the local BB&B.

cleaning out the entire interior of my car and putting back only what needs to be in there (bonus: finding a perfectly good bag of toasted nuts that i forgot about).

the promise of a newly inflated exercise ball

practicing zen-like patience with automated customer service menues

1 comment:

Daddy-o said...

....your smile and kiss in the morning before I leave the house.
Yo Snug