Tuesday, November 4, 2008

obama rama

this is an historical election.  i voted for hope. 
some states are voting on an expanded definition of marriage.  this is for state property and family  privilege.  this is also for public proclamation of commitment.  we all know it is impossible to try to reconcile the procreation part.  just like we can't legislate love.  but it is with love and caring that such legitimatizing is sought.

 i'm voting for the values of my family.  so family, i hope you are hearing this.  i do believe in marriage as a joining of two people with equal rights within a commitment under god and this country.  yes, even gay people want this---- to do right by each other as human beings under law and under god.  it is the right, respectful and honorable thing to do.  it bespeaks love and protection and responsibility and value and belief in each other.   this is for each to decide their beliefs and values about commitment, not the state or those who think they should play god. 

if you can figure out what i'm talking about, good for you.


1 comment:

Lauren Thompsinario said...

Congrats for posting 2 days in a row!