Thursday, November 20, 2008

spicy nuts, fighting the unibrow, music and the abyss

the house smells of cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and ginger.....  it's time for spiced pecans. 

my eyebrows have been professionally tamed (at last).

went to the mercury cafe tonight to hear my multi-talented renaissance man neighbor play a cello and piano gig of his own composition (variations on his chosen theme).   vegan chocolate cake and fair trade organic coffee rounded out the experience.

it's difficult to repair broken things, the crack is always noticeable and weak. it remains vulnerable and in need of reassurance.  abandonment/apathy, not hate, is the opposite of love.

1 comment:

Lauren Thompsinario said...

i LURV your titles to your posts! They alway get me excited to read! Can't wait to see you TOMORROW!!!