Saturday, December 13, 2008

5 parties in 4 nights

party one: industry party on wednesday night :a mini-reunion of sorts that included a high school friend and a previous denver experience(pde) connection, and a new work friend(nwf). the pde generated an invite to an ornament exchange that would have included even more pde people from the newly wed/newly bred days. last night nwf gave an invite for the party her husband was throwing for his employees, which involved "cooking with friends"/and of course the eating and fun involved in preparing a 6-course meal. party 2 and 3 were a bust because i'm fighting a rare yomama bout of flu symptoms. i guess i should include the fact that i actually had 2 party invites for last night: darlene's(party 4) - party with my people- party (in geographically impossible fort worth). but party 5 is on tonight... the eog holiday party (already this will be my 2nd year) that's a whole lotta parties. me likie.


Monica said...

you party animal. gosh when you go out people realize how awesome you are and want more of yomama! You and your martini are just so popular. Just don't forget about lil ol' me!

Lauren Thompsinario said...

although I talk to you on the phone an average of twice a day I still love to hear about the blossoming social life of yomama!